PLEASE notice the voting poll for Baby Brown #2 to the right of this post (on the side panel)... I hope you'll VOTE!!! We've decided to be surprised again (like we were with Hudson;).
A few things to help you VOTE...
Both pregnancies have been very similar.. the only thing(s) that are somewhat different are the foods I'm craving and I'm carrying this baby more out front and a little low (or at least what I think is low!;).
With Hudson I craved protein...anything protein. Peanut butter, chicken, steak, seafood, chick-fil-a, even sushi (cooked;)... with this baby I crave sweets and carbohydrates!
Also, with Hudson I carried him more in my hips and "back-side"...I didn't even have a "baby bump" until around 6months... with this baby I feel like I'm carrying more out front and low (as I said before;).
However, this baby is EVERY bit as active as Hudson was in the womb...if not MORE {if it's even possible!?;)} I guess Brad and I just make them active! ;) I drink nothing but water and this baby rarely stops moving...seriously!!
Okay, well go and VOTE!!! I look forward to seeing what people think we'll have!! ;)
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