Friday, January 13, 2012

"A Cavalier..."

This is the University of Virginia Cavalier.  Funny story.. I had our sweet babysitter, Lindsay {a 4th year UVa student} babysit on Wednesday while I was at work... she text me that she and Hudson were playing and she asked him... "Hudson, what do you want to be when you grow up?"  Hudson immediately responded... "A Cavalier."  It gave us both a good laugh but I also thought it was quite clever of my 2 1/2 year old. ;) ;) Brad took Hudson to the UVa basketball game last weekend (UVa vs. Miami)..big game and very exciting! Hudson loved it to say the least...they actually stayed the entire time {it helps that it's such a "fast pace" sport!;)}!
We have really missed Brad this week.. he has been in Orlando for his annual Corporate meeting.  He left at 5am Monday morning and won't be home until 10pm tonight (Friday)'s been a surprisingly FAST week!? Sooo many reasons to PRAISE the Lord! ;)  It probably helped that my mom flew up on Wednesday evening {she comes up this same week every year while Brad is's so nice of she AND my dad!!;)}.  I can't even begin to number all the ways my mom helps me... she amazes me!!! :)
Thanks Mom {Bee}...I am so beyond thankful and blessed for all you do!!! I LOVE YOU!!! xoxo
FYI: As of today (Friday)...the voting poll is...
Boy: 42%
Girl: 58%
If you haven't voted on the gender...please do so! It's so much fun to see what y'all think we'll have!! THANKS for voting!!!!! :)
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart... ~Jeremiah 1:5

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