Another fun thing...I took H with me to get my eye brows waxed...he's enjoyed telling people that mommy got her eye brows "jaxed"! ;)
Today Hudson brought home a cross he made in Children's church/Sunday went like this..
Hudson is a child of God.
I am 2 years old.
My favorite color is purple. (His friend, Jack said pink so I'm not worried!;)
My favorite food is cookies & pancakes.
I love seeing Hudson express himself! ;)
Speaking of church...our church is doing a week long FAST. I totally believe in Matthew 6:18 about doing your fast in secret for only your Father to see and HE will reward you...but I do think I should let you know I've decided my fast will be from the internet/media! That means no blogging, no (gasp!) Pinterest, no Officetally, no Facebook (which won't be that hard...or maybe it will be?!), etc.. I will still use email as I have to use it for work. I'm thankful and excited for this many things to be in prayer for and I truly want refining and cleansing in so many areas of my life...SERIOUSLY!!!!
Before I sign-off... it's been a fun week to watch the voting poll but after much "activity" the poll is officially 50/50...that's RIGHT..
Boy: 50%
Girl: 50%
Come on people..bring your work friends, neighbors, family in to this voting...I'll look forward to seeing where the poll is next week!!! ;)
Until next Sunday...I'll miss you BLOG world...
Therefore, prepare you minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as HE who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. ~ 1 Peter 1:13-15