That's right...can you believe it?!! This post makes blog post
#200!!! We started this blog in December 2008 after we announced to family/friends that we were expecting our first little bundle of joy... you can see our very first blog post
HERE! It was sweet and simple but I had just entered the blog world and wasn't exactly sure how to start the blogging "process"?! ;) I have had the most fun going back through old's amazing to see the cherished memories and moments in our little journey of life and parenthood! I thought about doing a TOP 5 favorite blog posts but it was just WAY TOO difficult to choose (I have about 100 FAVORITE posts! ;)... so I decided to bring out the ole' Wedding scrap book to give you a little Anna and Brad "history lesson"! ;)
July 4, 2005 was by FAR one of the BEST DAYS of my ENTIRE LIFE!! It was the day Brad PROPOSED...everything about the day was PERFECT (seriously I could write a book on our proposal story! :). This is Brad, in the moment, on his KNEE, asking me to be HIS wife! This is ME, shocked, crying, shaking, saying YES... (Of COURSE ;) I'll be YOUR wife! (Both our families were there behind dad had kept it a secret from my mom for 3 WEEKS after Brad asked for my hand in marriage...she was a little emotional to say the least! ;)
This is the INCREDIBLE group of friends we had spent the whole July 4th weekend at the lake with...and YES, they ALL KNEW about the proposal (everyone but ME!). Can you believe how great they are to not give one clue...NOT ONE! Seriously, we adore these amazing friends and PRAISE the LORD for their incredible friendship, faithfulness, encouragement and LOVE!
And we are on the Jumbo-Tron!! Brad's aunt/uncle had made us shirts for the "occasion"! :) Seriously, one of the BEST days of my life...and how great that it all happened at the Atlanta BRAVES game!?! :)
Kind of random but this is one of my all-time favorite engagement, love, LOVE! ;) So..after 4 years of dating, 10 months of engagement, and 2 1/2 years of marriage we found out we were expecting this little BRIGHT, Live-ly, bundle of JOY!! :) :)
Yes, this is Hudson's birth announcement! our lives are forever changed because of this little piece of Heaven and incredible gift from the Lord! ;) I just want to take a moment to thank YOU for faithfully following our blog and showing an interest in our sweet little family and all our fun "adventures"... I love following blogs and I feel so encouraged by so many of you! ;) Thanks for sticking around for 200 posts...we hope you'll stick around for 200 MORE! :)
Happy blogging YA'LL!!
Children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. ~ Psalm 127:3