Thursday, July 28, 2011

Knee deep in the water somewhere...

Brad did it again... he invited Hudson and I to tag-along on a little work-related-mini-vacation (yes, they really do exist!;).  We had an amazing little 48hour family vacation to VA BEACH!! ;)

Brad was waiting on the "perfect" wave to ride {as if this one wasn't good enough for a 2-year old!?}. ;) 

Coming in from riding some waves (so thankful for this float!;).  I think Daddy needed a break more than Hudson! ;)

Hudson kept waiting for the waves to "come and get him"... too cute! ;)

VA BEACH was crazy crowded...I guess I thought since I had never been there it must not be a popular beach?! haha! Turns out I was wrong! ;)

Hudson loved playing in the sand...he befriended a little 9 year old girl (named McKenzie) and they must have played in the sand for an hour+ but my batteries had no picture!  

You just wouldn't believe how much this child loves for his daddy to throw him up..higher and higher! Praise the Lord Brad is so young and fit...otherwise we'd be in bad shape with our wild little man! ;)

And YES- momma even got out in the ocean to battle some waves...I tell ya, they wore me out?! There were some rough waves in VA BEACH...I was surprised!? (We had stopped for a little snack break)

We loved walking on the board walk the next morning...Hudson saw this statue and said "Look, it's GOD!" I thought that was so clever of him, considering he's never seen an image of God (that I know of?;)!   

We enjoyed playing in the ocean after our nice long walk! ;)

We never could get a good picture (with the lighting) but we had a beautiful view from our room/balcony! ;)  THANKS daddy for inviting us was a fantastic "mini" vacation!!! ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summertime FUN!!!!

For all my die hard blog fans out there I felt like I needed to post something SOON before I lost your interest! ;) This video was recorded about a week ago...there is truly no explanation!  This is our Hudson...this is who he is and what he does!? ;)  Just having some summertime FUN! :) FYI- Hudson is potty trained but we still use swim diapers (for convenience;).

Monday, July 18, 2011

Grand Finale (ATL, Ga Aquarium, & Katie)!!

We certainly had a Grand Finale to end our 10 day trip in Georgia...we don't have any pictures but Hudson loved playing in Centennial park while we waited in line at the Georgia Aquarium.  As ya'll can imagine..he LOVED the aquarium, TOO! ;)

Enjoying the "Ocean Voyager"

After the aquarium we stopped by our friend Katie and Sean's house for dinner...such fantastic host(ess)!

We had to get a group shot that included Remington (their dog;).

Silly little boy..he loved playing in Remington's kennel. ;)  Would this be considered child abuse if I used one for timeout?!? haha, j/k! ;)
It was tough leaving Georgia this time..I'm not sure if it was being with my mom/dad for an extended period of time, having constant support/help, or just being back in Georgia?! {maybe a combination of ALL 3!}
I already miss the smell of the Georgia mountains but we are home safe in Virginia (after a 12hour road trip yesterday...).  Looking forward to the remaining weeks of summertime but awaiting the great season of AUTUMN!!! ;)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


We had a fabulous day in the big ATLanta today!  We started with a Georgia "delicacy".. The Varsity!  You just haven't truly lived until you've clogged your arterties with their amazing FOOD! ;)  I'm soo thankful my dad suggested it for was so fun taking Hudson! ;)

Lovin his Varsity hotdog! ;)

Brad's dad came up from Columbus (Ga) to meet us for lunch and join us at the Georgia Aquarium (more pics coming SOON!;)

A group picture! Bee, Dee, Grandaddy, Hudson, Brad and myself

A little sneak peek from the GA aquarium (Hudson and Brad enjoying the sting rays)..we had such a FUN day and we loved ending at my dear friend, Katie's house for dinner!  SO FUN... pictures coming SOON!

sneak-peek from Georgia!

We have been busy little bee's since arriving to Georgia LAST Thursday (July7)!  I've relied on my mom (and her camera) to take all the pictures...
Hudson LOVES to help Dee shave! ;)

My cousin, Ashley (Uncle/Aunt not pictured) came all the way from Maryland for our family reunion in Birmingham, AL... the pictures didn't save on my mom's camera...bummer! :(  But Ashley and my aunt Holly stayed w/ us a couple of nights..we had a GREAT time! ;)

I'm so thankful I was able to visit w/ some of my childhood BFF's and meet all their kiddos!  Kim (to the right of me) flew in from California with her baby boy, Paul (3months old).  ;) It was great seeing everyone! ;)

Hudson enjoying everything at Bee and Dee's! ;)  We have LOVED being in Georgia but I must say...the #1 thing I enjoy most about Virginia are the SEASONS...I do NOT miss the humid/HEAT down here in the SOUTH!!! ;)

A group picture in Rome, GA! I'll be sure to post more pictures mom has been with us ALL week I need a picture to prove it! ;)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Massanutten H2O! ;)

This past Saturday we took Hudson to the Massanutten (indoor/outdoor) water park (about 45mins from our house).  This place was perfect for our little fish! ;)

This was a gigantic tree-house-like indoor water area...full of water sprinklers, waterfalls, water traps, water drops and water slides!  Hudson LOVED it..and daddy especially loved the adult water slides (and mommy, TOO!;). 

A picture of Hudson after church...
Mommy- "Hudson what are you doing?"
Hudson- "I'm looking for snakes"
We had a nice (and very low-key/relaxing) weekend but we sure did miss our friend Jessamie and Jason (and their precious little 14month old, Georgia).  Jess called me Friday morning informing me her little girl was sick with the croup cough, a virus and the beginnings of an ear infection! :(  We were "bummed" to say the least... but we are happy to hear that Georgia and her mom/daddy are on the mend! ;)
We'll look forward to their "Autumn" visit in September!! ;)