Brad did it again... he invited Hudson and I to tag-along on a little work-related-mini-vacation (yes, they really do exist!;). We had an amazing little 48hour family vacation to VA BEACH!! ;)
Brad was waiting on the "perfect" wave to ride {as if this one wasn't good enough for a 2-year old!?}. ;)
Coming in from riding some waves (so thankful for this float!;). I think Daddy needed a break more than Hudson! ;)
VA BEACH was crazy crowded...I guess I thought since I had never been there it must not be a popular beach?! haha! Turns out I was wrong! ;)
Hudson loved playing in the sand...he befriended a little 9 year old girl (named McKenzie) and they must have played in the sand for an hour+ but my batteries had no picture!
You just wouldn't believe how much this child loves for his daddy to throw him up..higher and higher! Praise the Lord Brad is so young and fit...otherwise we'd be in bad shape with our wild little man! ;)
And YES- momma even got out in the ocean to battle some waves...I tell ya, they wore me out?! There were some rough waves in VA BEACH...I was surprised!? (We had stopped for a little snack break)
We loved walking on the board walk the next morning...Hudson saw this statue and said "Look, it's GOD!" I thought that was so clever of him, considering he's never seen an image of God (that I know of?;)!