And to my mother-in-law who also came for one night just to break up the week and hang out. ;)
God has been so gracious on us and I'm so thankful for Hudson's swift recovery!
**I've tried posting pictures on the blog but I'm having the hardest time... it's like they've erased the "browse" button...which means I can't upload my pictures?!!
Anyhow, I posted alot on didn't go to my friends Newsfeed... I somehow accidentally made them "private" but I fixed it where you can at least view my pictures when you visit my facebook page. ;)
Hopefully I'll figure the blog changes out soon...
GO check out the pictures on facebook when you can!! ;)
{And hopefully the pictures do enough narrating! ;) One of our favorite things was the Lion King show at Animal Kingdom...I don't think I posted any of the pictures but I'll hopefully be able to post some here SOON!;)}