Saturday, November 28, 2009

More Thanksgiving...and Granddaddy's visit!!!

Brad's dad came to visit on Friday...we've had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And the Auburn/Alabama game was a good way to end the holiday (even though Auburn didn't win we played a TERRIFIC game against #2 Alabama)...and start the Christmas season!!! ;) WWWaaarrrrr EEEaaagggllleee!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hudson is 6 months!!! :)

This morning we went on a hike...the weather was PERFECT--sunny, blue sky, 55 degrees and a little breezy!! I LOVE the mountains of GA!!! :) It's been a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and Hudson is 6 months old TODAY!!! :) time FLIES!!

Hudson's 1st THANKSGIVING...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! We are having a wonderful day... this time last year we were telling family/friends about our exciting news of being pregnant...this year we are full of JOY to be sharing this day with our sweet baby boy!!!! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My cousin Ashley is HERE!!!! :)

My cousin Ashley came from Maryland today...we are having such a good time!!! :) I've grown up my whole life only seeing them once (maybe twice) a year... I know it will be fun making LOTS of memories together!!! ;)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chillin' in my crib...

After Hudson's nap the other day I was letting him play with his little aquarium and piano while I finished up some things around the house...when I came in his room this is how he was laying in his crib!! I have no idea how he got himself in that position but I thought it was HILARIOUS!!! haha!! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

B's visit...

My mom came this past week/weekend...we had a GREAT time exploring more of Charlottesville! I thought these were some good pictures for you to see our's in a GREAT neighborhood/community with LOTS of ammenities (mom's group, fitness centers, schools, tennis courts, soccer fields, running/hiking trails, and so much more!!! :)

Helping Mommy blog...

Hudson LOVES the computer...he was helping me "blog" the other day!! :) I know he's my son but he is just precious!!! :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

GA vs. AU and Uncle Weyman's visit...

Hudson wants to say THANK YOU to "Aunt Laura" for his VERY UGLY over-alls!!! ;) (J/K) My Uncle has come to visit from Maryland...I'm so happy we live close to some family!!! :) WWWAAARRRR EEEAAAGGGLLLLEEEE!!!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Homestead!!! (Resort)...

This past weekend Hudson and I went with Brad to THE HOMESTEAD in Hot Springs, is one of the most extravagant places I've ever was established in 1766 and they still keep some of the same traditions! We want to go back at Christmas to see all the lights... check it out...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Good to see some ole' friends!!

We have officially moved to Charlottesville, Virginia...Hudson and I spent a week in GA while Brad and his dad got a head start on setting up our house!! It was SOOO wonderful getting to see some of our friends while in GA and on the way to VA!! :) I will take some pictures ASAP of our house and is BEAUTIFUL here!! Our neighbors came over tonight to bring us pumpkin/choc. chip cookies...they have 4 BOYS (one is 9 months old) which will be FUN!!!! It made me miss our neighbors in MS!! Love and miss you!! :)

Hudson's FIRST Halloween!!!!

We had a FUN Halloween but sadly Hudson had a little we did not get out in the chilly, wet weather! We dressed Hudson up as a dragon...even with a cold he was a trooper! :)
It was great seeing our friend Matthew...he was in ATL for work and came up for a visit!!